"Kudos to dialect coach Joel Goldes."

-- Variety, 'eclipsed'


Hello!Well, it's been a mighty long time since I sent a newsletter, so here's a quick one with useful links for honing the Standard British dialect, practicing the American accent, outlining a few of my recent activities, and alerting everyone to my appearance on VH1 Thursday night.

It's been nine months since the last issue and it's good to be back.  In addition to announcing the launch of my new website this newsletter will touch on stress in the neutral American accent and give updates on the IDEA website and my recent activities.

Since it's been nearly a year since the last newsletter, I figure an issue is overdue.

This issue will cover the /l/ sound as it's heard in a couple of different dialects, the /l/ sound in a neutral American accent and my recent activities.

There's also a link to an article for which I was interviewed about dialect coaching in Backstage, the casting newspaper in New York and Los Angeles.

Contact Me

My past acting and directing experience uniquely qualifies me as a dialect coach: not only can I guide you in the subtleties of a new accent, I can also help you explore sound possibilities within the character's given circumstances.

I look forward to working with you.

Click here to contact me.

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