"Each actor has a few key roles and they flip from being passengers and Gander citizens, back and forth, but you’re never confused because they really become these characters, flip, flip, flip, in one second, by using accents (kudos to Dialect Coach Joel Goldes), mannerisms, and the relationships they have.  --Front Row Reviewers Utah


Here's another newsletter: the second this year! In this issue, I'll talk about the diphthong heard in the word "out," how it should sound in a neutral American accent as well as in some other accents, and give an update on my recent activities. I'll also provide information on the IDEA website, of which I'm an editor-at-large, and which now contains more than 500 dialect samples from around the world.


It's been some time since I sent out a newsletter, so I figured it was time for an update. I've just transferred this email list from my old pc to my new Macintosh computer, so please let me know if my information is out of date or if you receive duplicates. And, as always, if you'd like to unsubscribe or have received this message in error, please reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line and I'll delete you from the list (not as painful as it sounds).


A quick issue to point out the results of an informative and amusing dialect survey on the web, and alert readers in the Los Angeles area to my workshop appearance next Wednesday at Take One Film and Theatre bookshop.

Contact Me

My past acting and directing experience uniquely qualifies me as a dialect coach: not only can I guide you in the subtleties of a new accent, I can also help you explore sound possibilities within the character's given circumstances.

I look forward to working with you.

Click here to contact me.

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